I walked the hills of heaven today
Beneath a setting sun
The streets below a grand display
Of golden threads were spun
The gates of pearls like clouds before
His throne rose pillared white
His Spirit like a breath did soar
And beckoned peace invite
In verdant valley then I saw
The bones of men arise
Praising silently in awe
The Maker of the skies
Whose hand was filled with healing light
To all once dead within
Who bowed before His rule and right
And bade Him enter in
To wounded heart to make it whole
To heal where death had been
And rising now, the song did roll
Resounding through my ken.
Hallelujah's cry they then employed
To lifting of the grail
To praise their God, their spirits buoyed
To tell the ancient tale
How God came down to them to dwell
As man midst their travail
To live to break the selfish shell
And the tearing of the Veil.
The balance scales that did assay
Our turning to the night
He righted them again to stay
If we'd live within His light
A gift He offered us for free
Though paid with sweat and blood
To lift us to the place where He
Poured out the cleansing flood
And along the narrow way below
Their hearts all bowed in awe
They glimpsed the God whose love did flow
With no shame or curse from Law.
I walked the hills of heaven today
Rejoicing in the birth
As God's own peace holds man in sway
In His kingdom here on earth
New poem by Tom Klindt